
About Us

I help you take ownership of your body and redesign your life using intuitive healing and ancestral holistic practices so you can manifest the highest potential for your physical, emotional and mental health.


Your Journey

Learn With Me

Courses designed to empower your journey to a healthy lifestyle.

Kitchen Makeover

This interactive workshop will help you identify the items in your kitchen that may be sabotaging your health – from cookware to the foods in your pantry, we will make-ver your kitchen together.

Detox Made Easy

Detoxing the body can unlock energy and wellness! This course is designed to demystify detox. Learn the basic principles of detoxification and what it can do for your body. This course will teach you the best approach for you!

Weightloss 101

This game-changing course has helped hundreds of people shed unwanted weight while growing in health. This course will help you shift your mindset to put an end to food cravings and yo-yo dieting for good.

Coaching and Transformational Programs

It is my mission and passion to help you achieve a life of vibrant health and wellbeing!