Hey there Immacula…just wanted to stop by and show you that all your advice and information has finally paid off. Yep – I did it – FINALLY. Can’t say it was easy. It was a lot of hard work and determination but I stuck with it and even…
I find that when I start doubting my capabilities or get in negative mode about my idea — all I have to do is talk to you AND: Your positive thought process brings me back from uncertainty….you share quotes like the meaning of FEAR or some other anecdote and I feel clarity…
What can I say about my experience with Immacula? I have learned so much spiritually and physically about my health and myself. Since about 5th grade I had been husky. As I got older weight was such a traumatic things for me.
This whole experience has been an eye opener, lifestyle changing experience for me. I thank God for putting Immacula (my mentor) in my path. Since February, because of the change in my eating habits, I have lost approximately 38 lbs. have gotten myself off of 2 medicines (metformin…
Hello my name is Jennifer and I started with Immacula in mid-September and lost a total of 25 pounds in 8 weeks. It was easy to follow and found it very successful. This Lifestyle has made me healthier than I have ever been in my life.
Thank you Immacula!!! Working with you has been an uplifting and life changing experience. A change and experience I needed and at times did not know what exactly I needed to do to initiate and find the positive direction for personal awareness, strength and inner calm.
When I began this journey, I weighed 203 lbs. I am now at 185. My initial goal was to weigh 175, but as I got down to 178 lbs I realized that 175 is too small for me. I went into this initially for fibroid treatment, but got the benefit of weight loss.
Immacula came into my and took it by storm! I can’t believe that I have achieved so much in such a little amount of time. Then I have to look back and remember that she told me that I could do it. I had gained 40lbs post baby, was suffering from a growing fibroid and little energy.
I must have a cup of coffee every morning in order to function at optimal capacity. That’s what I thought until I tried Immacula’s detox program. I lost 21 pounds in 5 weeks on the detox program. It is not another diet fad, but a change of lifestyle.
Weight has been a major issue in my life. The struggles I’ve been through to get where I am now were definitely worth it. I wasn’t happy with myself because my appearance wasn’t portraying the person I wanted to be. I consider myself to be a strong, independent woman, but…
It is December 31, 2017 and as I reflect on where God has brought me from. My mind takes me back to 2015 when I heard someone speaking of a supernatural healing and my energy just leaped and caused me to desire to find out more about that.
My name is Amanda, I am 34 years old and I have been struggling with my weight since I was 13. It’s not until recently that I learned the severity of my addiction to food. The realization was a real eye opener for me because I always thought of myself as someone who just really loves food.
I was faced with a health challenge. Immacula invited me to a weekend retreat the results are tremendous…more energy… weight control… clearer skin… regulated bowels. I went from an unbelieving physician to a converted physician. Thank you Immacula for caring!